Thursday, May 14, 2009


It looks like Im gonna have a summer job at Log Shop.  Thats pretty fucking ideal, especially because I live like right around the corner.  Once again, its because of my recent experience that this happened.  Without the motivation and sense of self that came from this experience I would never have had the nerve to finally go up and ask for a job.  If this works out I am going to be a happy man.  I wont be short of money again, Ill be able to buy a nicer car, I can spend money on my friends.  The last one is especially important to me, because I feel better when I buy a friend something than when I buy myself something or even get a gift.

So this is shaping up to be nice summer.  I like that fact that I am finally getting my life together, that things are finally starting to swing my way.  All I need now is her in my life, and I'll be the happiest man on earth.

The depression and confusion from the trip is finally starting to go away too.  Things are beginning to make sense and my new sense of confidence and commitment is really starting to make a change in my life.  

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