Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Ive been thinking a lot about what I want to do, Like after college and all that shit, and I'm starting to like the idea of getting into politics.  A lot of the shit I do for community service deals with that, and it's really interesting for me.  Last year, when I was working with TUPE to get a law passed in Pacifica was the last time I felt really fulfilled by doing work.  Being on TV, in newspapers and playing an active role in the community was really great for me, it's a pity we don't do as much of that anymore.  

When i went to Humboldt I talked to the professor of Political Science, and that was a very interesting experience.  A lot of what he said made sense and I could see myself having a lot of fun with it later on in life, as well as making a decent amount of money.  This PIA meeting today also made me realize how active I already am.  I got a shout out from the mayor, and a lot of the people there knew me.  Good shit, especially when I think thats what I want to pursue.  Its encouraging to know that I've already made a difference and that people respect me for that.  Im not trying to be conceited or anything, It's just the way I feel.  

Haha, second blog today.  I must be getting addicted...

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